Monday 12 August 2013

Lee Jun-ki picks Two Weeks as next drama

Lee Jun-ki has announced his next drama project, and it'll be a thriller for MBC called Two Weeks, which may sound familiar as it's the drama from the 49 Days, Prosecutor Princess, and My Daughter Seo-young writer that takes place within a two-week time span.

Yay for Lee Jun-ki coming back to television… though I'm a little disappointed that this means he won't be taking that other project he was considering, 1930s action noir Age of Feeling. Both projects have their merits so it's not that he's chosen badly; I just really dug the idea of a period noir set in Shanghai and thought he'd be a great fit for it. (As far as I can tell, Age of Feeling is still in the planning stages and hasn't secured a broadcaster yet.)

No matter, since it's Two Weeks he has confirmed, which on paper sounds vaguely like Mandate of Heaven mashed with 24: The hero gets slapped with a false murder charge and learns that he has a daughter with leukemia, and spends the next two weeks in a life-or-death struggle to save himself and the girl. On the upside, thanks to the time period I don't actually think the contemporary Two Weeks will be just like Mandate (though there are the obvious similarities, of course). And while the time frame doesn't equate to a real-time scenario like 24, I do think cramming an entire drama of roughly 20 episodes within 14 days makes for an interesting storytelling format. Plus, I just really like Lee Jun-ki and would be happy to watch him on my screen again; he was so great in Arang and the Magistrate and conveyed a sensitivity that I haven't always felt from him (usually because he tends to push, emotionally, rather than letting moments breathe), and I want to see him keep up that growth.

Two Weeks will be a Wednesday-Thursday drama that'll follow Queen of the Classroom (which follows gangster melo-romance When A Man Loves). It'll premiere in Auguest.

Via Joy News


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Tags: Lee Jun-ki, Two Weeks

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