Monday, 9 September 2013

SISTAR Is Casual Yet Sexy For High Cut

They look so sexy, even in such simply clothing!

Korean girl group SISTAR posed in some striking red heels while all decked out in denim for High Cut. The girls are dresses in regular jeans and shirt outfits, but their striking bodies and toned legs catch your attention and make your eyes pop!

Dasom, Soyu, Hyorin, and Bora also provided an interview for the September issue of High Cut magazine.
In response to Gag Concert‘s Park Ji Sun and Oh Na Mi‘s parody duo SISTAR29 of Sistar19, Dasom commented:

They say, It’s because our age ends in 9, and I can relate to that. I really had that experience. When I was 9 years old, I got hurt a lot. Since it was my last year as a teenager when I was 19, I spent it eventfully. That is why I am afraid of turning 29.

Fans were also curious as to whether 20 years from now, would SISTAR reunite to become SISTAR39, Hyorin responded with

20 years later? We don’t know what will happen in our lives. But if the fans wait for us, we might do it as a special event.

Many people have taken notice of SISTAR’s attractiveness, including other entertainers.

Dynamic Duo rapper Choiza confessed that he was interested in Hyorin and if she asked him to date her, he would say yes. While Dynamic Duo worked on a collaboration song with Hyorin called Hot Wings (Wing Bone), rapper Gaeko jokingly said that it was the first time he had ever seen Choiza arrive so early to a recording session.

When asked about her pitching for the Doosan Bears, Soyu admitted

Because it was my first time pitching, I didn’t realize that I threw a strike. I stepped down from the mound and my manager oppas were suddenly happy and came running towards me.

And have you heard? Bora was chosen as the new sexy queen by Lee Hyori herself!

I heard that [Lee Hyori] unni said that through an article. I was thankful and felt really good. I hope I get a lot closer with [Lee Hyori] unni.

These girls are really going strong. Hopefully they continue their success for many years to come.

Check out their gorgeous new look for High Cut here.

SOURCE: High Cut

Chiang Cheng En, Shelia Renee Clay, Tasha Houchen, Mykee Mawley, Shirley Canales, Dararay Yeah, Dej'a Jones liked this post

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