Tuesday, 10 September 2013

Jared Leto Opens Up About His Former Roommate Who Died From AIDS

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Often times, out of tragedy, comes triumph.

Jared Leto is sharing his incredibly emotional story about his former roommate who died from AIDS and how he drew off of that experience for his new movie Dallas Buyers Club.

In the upcoming film, also starring Matthew McConaughey and Jennifer Garner, Jared plays a transexual who is fighting for survival during the 1980s outbreak of the deadly disease. Leto saw first-hand how painful the experience was when he moved to Los Angeles in 1991 and shared an apartment with a man who was living with AIDS.

Jared told reporters at the Toronto International Film Festival this week about what it was like living with a roommate who was suffering from the illness. He said:

"I rented a room in a three-bedroom apartment and one of the rooms was rented by a man who was dying. I didn't remember that until I was in the middle of the film and it hit me. I couldn't believe I had this experience with this man who was incredibly gentle. It was actually in the first week of filming that I recalled this and it really affected me in a deep way. He was a wonderful person."

The man eventually succumbed to the disease and Jared explained how he was there for his final days.

After having such a personal exposure to AIDS and the hardship that comes from its diagnosis, Jared took his role in the film very seriously. He lost nearly 30 pounds for the part, dropping down to just 116 pounds!

As his body transformed into barely nothing more than skin and bones, Jared explain that he couldn't even look at himself! Leto admitted:

"I didn't look in the mirror very much, except in the makeup trailer when they were going to work on me which seemed like it was always hours and hours of work. It was unlike anything I had ever done before."

We cannot wait to see this film. We know it's going to be tough to watch, but the subject matter is far too important to miss this movie!

[Image via GF/BauerGriffinOnline.]

Tags: film flickers, jared leto, jennifer garner, matthew mcconaughey, sad sad

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